
I'm a primatologist and artist from Texas and am currently a BioAnthropology PhD candidate at Indiana University - Bloomington in the PEEL, Co-director of the Himalayan Langur Project, and a 2024-25 CTRD NIH Pre-doctoral trainee

2020: M.Sc Primate Behavior & Ecology, Central Washington University

2017: BA Anthropology Honors, The University of Texas at Austin 


Abhi, female Semnopithecus schistaceus - Mandal, India
Rohit, female Semnopithecus schistaceus - Mandal, India

Disciplines: Primatology, Biological Anthropology, Conservation, Ethnography, Visual Anthropology, Studio Art 

Perspectives: Ethnoprimatology, Bioethics, Community Based Conservation

Previous work: Belize & Costa Rica - Alouatta sp.; South Africa - Papio ursinus; Chimp Sanctuary NW; Thailand - Macaca fascicularis; Bhutan - Macaca mulatta & Semnopithecus schistaceus; India - Semnopithecus schistaceus 

General research

Understand how alloprimates live in anthropogenic landscapes with a specific interest in mothers, infants, and juveniles. I use genetic, physiological, behavioral, ethnographic, and community-based research methods to investigate alloprimate life, as well as create holistic community relationships and conservation plans through education and art. 

PhD research

My research aims to understand how mother-offspring dyads respond to anthropogenic stressors (food loss, human interactions, dog attacks, disruptive sounds) and investigate how social buffering effects dyad physiology (GMB and endocrine system) and behavior. Social buffering is a critical process for species, group, and individual survival and provides insight into primate adaptation, life history, and conservation, within changing landscapes.

Infant Alouatta palliata - La Suerte, Costa Rica
Infant Macaca fascicularis - Phana, Thailand 


Infant Semnopithecus schistaceus - Mandal, India

Indiana University 

Central Washington University 

Infant Semnopithecus schistaceus - Mandal, India

Publications & Documents


MSc: “Group differences in mother-infant Macaca fascicularis behavior, parasite load, and body condition within an anthropogenically altered forest”

BA Honors: “The gut microbiome analysis of three genera of new world monkeys” 

Curriculum vitae

Art & Photography

Infant Semnopithecus schistaceus - Mandal, India
Juvenile Macaca fascicularis - Phana, Thailand 
Infant Semnopithecus schistaceus - Mandal, India
Infant Macaca fascicularis - Phana, Thailand